Bible Classes
Women’s Sunday School Class: “Seeking Him Face to Face”
9:30 am, taught by Joan Vana and Dori Litton (Nursery care is available for attendees’ kids.)
Intermediate Christian Studies: Book of Exodus
9:45 am, taught by Pastors Gerry Miller & Bryan Jacobs, Deacon John Serritos
Worship & Concurrent Children’s Ministries
10:45 am
Babies, birth to crawling, 10:45am
Toddlers (toddling to 3 or 4), 10:45am
Preschool (4-5), after first worship music set to 12:00nn
Kids Time (K-6th grade), after first worship music set to 12:00nn
Women’s Bible Study
6:00 pm, Carolyn Porter, leader
(August through November, January through April)
6:30 pm, Puggles program for ages 2-3, Cubbies, ages 3-4, Sparks, K-2nd grade, Truth and Training,3rd-5th grade, Trek, 6th-8th grade and Journey, high school which currently functions to augment our Student Leader program.
With One Accord (prayer gathering)
7:00 pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month)
Man to Man Ministry
7:00 am
New Hope Church
5100 W. 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803
Young Couples (single or married), ages 18-35
10:00 am on the first Saturday of the month [Contact Pastor Bryan Jacobs for details, 773-892-4776.]