Weekend Messages

Theonomy Series: God’s Law and Government

For a long time, the evangelical church in America has attempted to remain politically neutral. Many believe that the Bible is silent on political issues and focuses only on spiritual things. However, this is not the case. Many things which people today consider political issues are in fact moral issues addressed by the Bible. Abortion, LGBT issues, immigration, Social Justice, owning weapons, and other issues are moral issues on which God’s word is not silent. In our upcoming series, we will study theonomy, which literally means “God’s Law”. The law which God gave to Moses is not irrelevant to our lives, but it contains timeless principles of what God considers just in a society. God’s Law can guide our thinking as Christians as we seek to understand the world around us according to a biblical worldview, not only in spiritual things, but in practical moral issues as well. We hope you will be both challenged and blessed by this series.

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September 22 – Psalm 119:97–104 (God’s Law and Modern Society, An Introduction) 

“The Law of God is good, and a guide to God’s people for biblical morality.”

September 29 – Psalm 2:10–12 (“A Biblical Case Against Secularism”) 

“Jesus Christ must be recognized as Lord in every area of life, both public and private.”

October 6 – Exodus 22:2–3 (“God’s Law on Self-Defense and Weapons”) 

“Love for the image of God in man demands that Christians value both self-defense and the right to own weapons.”

October 13 – Leviticus 17:10–15 (“God’s Law on Illegal Immigration”) 

“God’s people are to love sojourners, and sojourners are to respectfully submit to the laws and customs of the land they are in.”

October 20Leviticus 19:15 (“God’s Law on ‘Social Justice’”)

“Compassion for the poor is a virtue for God’s people, but it must never veer off into sinful partiality and injustice.”

October 27Exodus 21:22–25 (“God’s Law on Abortion”)

“Human life is made in the image of God from the womb, and so is worthy of dignity, value, and equal protection.”

November 3Psalm 33:10–12 (“Christ is America’s Only Hope”)

“America’s only hope is to recognize Jesus Christ as her Lord and God.”