

Dr. Richard Strahm and his wife Cheri work with Equippers Network International.  This organization is a leadership training organization that equips qualified Christian leaders in areas of the world where few training opportunities exist, to serve as mission-aries and church planters.  ENI provides qualified instructors, training materials and ministry equipment.  Dr. Strahm is the executive director of ENI and an instructor in the Ukraine.  His wife Cheri works with the wives of pastors to instruct and equip them for service as well.






Igor & Vita Swiderski were born in the former Soviet Union to Jewish families, but grew up and met in Germany, where their families immigrated to in the early 90s. They both came to faith in Jesus at a young age through the witness of their Gentile friends. Since then, their passion for the Lord has increased, and the Lord has placed a special calling for Jewish ministry on their hearts. After completing their training at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL, they served on staff with Chosen People Ministries. Upon completion of theological studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL, they returned to Germany with their daughters Rosie and Sophie for full time ministry in a Messianic congregation in Dusseldorf, Germany, to continue the work that Igor’s family started there. Their vision and commitment is to do evangelism, discipleship, and planting of Messianic congregations among the widely unreached Jewish people of Europe and Israel. They are now serving the Lord in Munich to fulfill that vision.
